Ok so it's a once a month thing

Well here is the staff picture for this year.
I am in it this year
can you see me?
it's kindof like where is waldo.
this is also the quilt that the staff made this year.
fun huh.
so right now I am trying to decide whether or not I am coming back next year to Omega. it is reallly funny because I am in the exact opposite position that I was in for the past two years. I knew that i was coming back to omega I just didn't know what to do in the mean time. now I know what I am doing this summer (even if I still have to hammer out the details) I just don't know if I am coming back to Omega.
ne way
when I get back to Utah I will probably get internet service and try to blog once a day again.
if anyone still reads this. I know I wouldnt
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