Thoughts on Suicide
I have been thinking about Suicide recently.
There is a Dentist office 4 yards away from where I work. One of the Dentists who worked in that office Drove a H2 Hummer, so he must have been making pretty good money. I know that he had a wife and kids. So it seems that he should have been happy.
He Shot himself in his office this last weekend.
I am not quite sure why. Nobody here in my office has any idea either.
But maybe the reasons that we think that he "should" have been so happy, are exactly the things that made him so sad.
I think that we as a society take to roles that don't necisarily fullfill our souls based on what is expected of us by our peers. Everyone feels this presure to be a certain type of person.
Once again I can only speak from my expirience. I found growing up in Provo Utah very demanding. My grandparents on my fathers side are the worst. They have an Idea in their minds as to what makes a person happy. and everyone must strive to meet that perfection. If you are not doing enough of these things right then you obviously must not be happy. Most of these "Guidlines to happiness" are the Culturaly Accepted ones.
1. Get a Job. It doesn't matter if this Job fullfills you, you just need to be active in the Work force. It also doesn't matter if you NEED the money, you should still have a job, because that is what people DO. This I have found to be most taxing. I don't want a job if I don't NEED one. And who said that I should get your type of job. Maybe I want to be a loafer for a couple of years and live out of a Tent. Or maybe I want to become a High Power Buisness man and make alot of money. It doesn't matter. all that matters is the happiness of the person involved.
2. Get Married. Who cares if you find someone you love. Who cares if you don't want to be married. You will be looked at wierd for the rest of your life if you don't get married. It seems that in this day and age if you aren't married by the time you are 30 then you are thought of as odd, and something is wrong with you. There is something wrong with that Idea. Marriage means nothing. It's a piece of paper that man made up. The only significance that it has is what we put into it. I for one am sick of it. People who don't want to be married shouldn't be expected to. If 2 people want to just bepartners without some Government Contract in their way they should be able to. If Four people want to live together and have Orgies every night they should be able to. And if 3 men and 2 women all want to get married together then they should be able to. What does it matter to you. YOU put the importance on your relationships to YOU, not some government contract. Now there are some nifty perks that are associated with Marraige that I think that all Tax paying Law Abideing Citizens should be able to claim so I urge you to sign the petition @, I will put this link in the Links section.
3. You must have Children. Even if you don't like kids, it's expected. Even if you don't have the money you think you should you should have kids anyway. I see people everyday who absolutely hate their lives because they chose to have children before they were ready, or when they really didn't want any. WHY? There is no reason for there to be unwanted children in this world. On the other hand, if one person wants to have twelve children, let them. If they feel that they have the love and desire for that venture then there should not be anyone stopping them. every child in this world could be loved and accepted and cherished if we as a community stopped our presures on other people. Now there is always the subject of Teen pregnancy and that is a subject that is very related but to broad for me to put in this Blog. Sometime i will tell you about my views on Teen pregnancy and the Bush Administrations Abstinence Only Program. Nature always finds a way of balancing itself out so I think that we would find the over population would slowly balance it self out if we stopped putting presure on people period.
So even thought I don't know the reasons that this man killed himself. these are things that I thought of. Maybe he wanted to be a World Class Journalist and Travel the World. Or Work for the Peace Corp. Or maybe he just wanted to work at the local Dinner for the rest of his life and play video Games. Maybe he didn't want to do the things that he did with his life, but felt presured by the community to do them. Even though he had societies Recipe for success and happiness. He was truly unhappy.
Well at the risk of sounding like Jerry Springer, these are my closing thoughts. There is no Blanket Rules. There is no ONE path to happiness. everyone should have the right to choose their own path and not have the presures of the Society on their backs. Lets just let people find Peace. I pray for that man. I hope soo bad that he has found peace. Maybe he is playing video games right now. Who knows
Individuality Rules
There is a Dentist office 4 yards away from where I work. One of the Dentists who worked in that office Drove a H2 Hummer, so he must have been making pretty good money. I know that he had a wife and kids. So it seems that he should have been happy.
He Shot himself in his office this last weekend.
I am not quite sure why. Nobody here in my office has any idea either.
But maybe the reasons that we think that he "should" have been so happy, are exactly the things that made him so sad.
I think that we as a society take to roles that don't necisarily fullfill our souls based on what is expected of us by our peers. Everyone feels this presure to be a certain type of person.
Once again I can only speak from my expirience. I found growing up in Provo Utah very demanding. My grandparents on my fathers side are the worst. They have an Idea in their minds as to what makes a person happy. and everyone must strive to meet that perfection. If you are not doing enough of these things right then you obviously must not be happy. Most of these "Guidlines to happiness" are the Culturaly Accepted ones.
1. Get a Job. It doesn't matter if this Job fullfills you, you just need to be active in the Work force. It also doesn't matter if you NEED the money, you should still have a job, because that is what people DO. This I have found to be most taxing. I don't want a job if I don't NEED one. And who said that I should get your type of job. Maybe I want to be a loafer for a couple of years and live out of a Tent. Or maybe I want to become a High Power Buisness man and make alot of money. It doesn't matter. all that matters is the happiness of the person involved.
2. Get Married. Who cares if you find someone you love. Who cares if you don't want to be married. You will be looked at wierd for the rest of your life if you don't get married. It seems that in this day and age if you aren't married by the time you are 30 then you are thought of as odd, and something is wrong with you. There is something wrong with that Idea. Marriage means nothing. It's a piece of paper that man made up. The only significance that it has is what we put into it. I for one am sick of it. People who don't want to be married shouldn't be expected to. If 2 people want to just bepartners without some Government Contract in their way they should be able to. If Four people want to live together and have Orgies every night they should be able to. And if 3 men and 2 women all want to get married together then they should be able to. What does it matter to you. YOU put the importance on your relationships to YOU, not some government contract. Now there are some nifty perks that are associated with Marraige that I think that all Tax paying Law Abideing Citizens should be able to claim so I urge you to sign the petition @, I will put this link in the Links section.
3. You must have Children. Even if you don't like kids, it's expected. Even if you don't have the money you think you should you should have kids anyway. I see people everyday who absolutely hate their lives because they chose to have children before they were ready, or when they really didn't want any. WHY? There is no reason for there to be unwanted children in this world. On the other hand, if one person wants to have twelve children, let them. If they feel that they have the love and desire for that venture then there should not be anyone stopping them. every child in this world could be loved and accepted and cherished if we as a community stopped our presures on other people. Now there is always the subject of Teen pregnancy and that is a subject that is very related but to broad for me to put in this Blog. Sometime i will tell you about my views on Teen pregnancy and the Bush Administrations Abstinence Only Program. Nature always finds a way of balancing itself out so I think that we would find the over population would slowly balance it self out if we stopped putting presure on people period.
So even thought I don't know the reasons that this man killed himself. these are things that I thought of. Maybe he wanted to be a World Class Journalist and Travel the World. Or Work for the Peace Corp. Or maybe he just wanted to work at the local Dinner for the rest of his life and play video Games. Maybe he didn't want to do the things that he did with his life, but felt presured by the community to do them. Even though he had societies Recipe for success and happiness. He was truly unhappy.
Well at the risk of sounding like Jerry Springer, these are my closing thoughts. There is no Blanket Rules. There is no ONE path to happiness. everyone should have the right to choose their own path and not have the presures of the Society on their backs. Lets just let people find Peace. I pray for that man. I hope soo bad that he has found peace. Maybe he is playing video games right now. Who knows
Individuality Rules
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