Merry X-mas to me...

Well Christmas just came and passed.
I just saw my extended family and survived. Things went well there.
I can't believe another year is past.
I have decided that I don't really like Christmas. I don't really do the Jesus thing all that much and I don't think that the whole materialistic thing is all that great. So I have decided that I don't like it all that much. I really don't like decorating for it. I don't like giving and recieving gifts. I don't like most of what it stands for at all.
Now I am not a complete Bah Humbug! I do the whole song and dance because it gives me an excuse to spend time with my Imediate and Extended family that don't normally come around all too often. For example all of my neices and nephews. That was great to spend time with them and have that fun. So I put up with my Aunts and Uncles and Cousin's and Grandparents because that is part of the package deal when it comes to Christmas.
The Jesus thing is all fine and dandy, it's just not my cup of tea. Nothing more and nothing less. I don't have anything against it and I don't have any great love for it so there is no reason for me to be apart of it in any way.
The Present thing seems like a complete waste of time and money. for all of the energy time and money that is spent getting somebody a gift, and then recieving a gift with the same amount of time energy and money spent to give, it seems like a waste. It almost seems like it would be better to just buy what you want and call it good. My family came up with a perfect way to go about giving the gifts. We all get together and buy a group gift for one person, and so everybody gives input on the gift and everybody gets (hopefully) something that they want. But this like all good plans failed when actually practiced both times. The first year it was very much a trial and effort period to see how it would work, and it seemed to work rather well, there were a few hitches but that was to be expected when you are dealing with a new idea. Then this year it seemed to all go to hell. Two people made the majority of the purchases and then everyone else was expected to just pitch in for their part of the burden. And in this approach it seemed that we didn't really go for gold. I don't think like I gave anything really from the heart and I know that the gift I recieved was meant for good but missed the mark because it was an unnesecary excess that will just turn out more fat than help. Does that make sense? I mean again, I don't mean to be a Spoiled brat because I think that people put alot of effort into the making of this gift. but I also think that people who had crucial information were asked about their input. Namely I told my brother in no uncertain terms that I didn't want or need Luggage. Which is precisely what I got. I am of course mostly to blame for this as I didn't give very many hints for what I wanted for Christmas this year and that is largly because I didn't want anything. I don't want stuff. I just spent the last three years getting rid of my stuff. But would anyone understand that what I really want and could use is in less solid form but maybe in Monitary form. What kind of a fool would I be if I asked for money, or even a gift certificate. I know that that is taboo to even be spoken of in some households but I just want to be able to have the option of having stuff if I need it, rather than it being given with little recourse without offense. And I don't think that my mother would be too happy with my not having anything to open under the Christmas tree.
And what was the last point that I said?
(excuse me while I scroll back up and read what I wrote)
Well anyway... I feel pretty safe writing this in here as I feel that nobody in this world reads this but me, but I also am sad that I don't have the Balls to come out with it and just tell them how I feel about the whole situation.
Wow this is a long post... Go Me!
Before I get off the subject I wanted to tell you of a site that I just subscribed to as a Christmas Present to myself, (I wouldn't dream of asking for this from my family) Naked News. This should be fun and an adventure. It's just for a month and we will see what will happen.
But look at what I get to look at all the time for my news.

NE way...
I don't mean to be anti Christmas. I just am not seeing the point in all of the hoopla right now.
Maybe tomorow I will change my other mind.
If you have any ideas just give me a Comment.
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