BYU is funny cause ...

I just went to their annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Festivities Yesterday and I felt that it was kindof a joke. I mean I had fun don't get me wrong. But that fun had nothing to do with their events.
first of all they said on the Website that the March was supposed to start @ 5:30pm. Great I will be there. Not so however. The march actually started somewhere around 6pm - 6:15pm. (BYU has a punctuality problem) then when it was finished they had a program that lasted around an hour and a half and they really needed someone Gay there to give them some help. Ok that is unfair but they really needed some help. They need to learn that they should practice before performing anything. The Choir was awful, again, Practice. The people giving the intro for the speakers were awful, again, PRACTICE! I mean I don't know if I can take someone getting up and fumbling the words on Martin Luther King Jr.s Biography and then say oh yeah and he did some other stuff... WHAT? And the sad thing is that he was the President of the Black Student Union.
NE way...
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
or as they like to call it in Utah Civil Rights Day!
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