I decided that I needed to calm down after I packed for DC. And I am glad that I did. Now I feel like a million bucks and am soo happy. All of the Stress that I was feeling before about this trip is gone. What did I do you may ponder? I trimmed my beard, then my hair, then took a shower, then took a clean bath. Have you ever done that. Taken a shower and then a bath right after it. I recomend it. I don't really like the fact that I am using triple the amount of water than normal, but I am ok with splurging once in a while. I like it because I already feel clean when I am soaking so I don't feel like I am soaking in the stuff that I was trying to get off of me. (sorry I don't mean to be crude but that is how I feel) I also watched Naked News while bathing. I love having Wireless Internet.
NE way...
I really should be getting some sleep because I have a big day tomorrow. Travel, travel, travel.
See you on the flip side
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