ok... the coast is clear

The wedding is officially over...
and looked nothing like this...
although I wish that it did...
and I was the one in the middle...
So I fly back to Utah tomorrow morning and have another long journey. I can't wait until I get back and can start making my own decisions again. I am soo sick of seeing other people just go with the flow no matter what is going on they just go with it. Like for example we went into DC after the wedding yesterday, I was supposed to be the tag along with Josh's family, and it turned out to be that I was the tour guide and everyone else just followed me. Luckily I am very resourceful and got a map real quick and got us through to see all of the sights that we wanted to see, and nobody got arrested for trying to leave dung on the steps of the White house or anything. So all in all a good trip.
And I spent under my budget.
Go me...
... Gosh ... when I had no time to write earlier today I felt like I had soo much more to say, but now it doesn't seem like I have anything else.

My speech was a hit by the way...
Cudos to me...
and I didn't even read it ... it was all memorized
yep all of it... (except for how I really didn't say much of the original and just winged it.
ne way thought the pic was funny and we all know I like pictures
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