Some things on my mind.
I am what is wrong with the world.
If you read this and see yourself in this situation too then I hope you do something to change as well.
I sat here for a minute getting a little mad at my co-worker because I thought that he was the problem. But it turns out that I am just as much to blame as him.
I see a problem with the worlds dependancy on oil. I see a problem with MY dependency on oil, and as of yet I have done very little to solve this problem or even to do my part. I can front and tell you that I don't own a vehicle so that I don't use Gasoline, but I get a ride to and from work every day from my brother and his truck. I can say that I use less plastic because I use a Mug for my water and drinks and reuse it, but I use products from the store that use far too much packaging and throw away so much stuff that it is ridiculous.
I don't want to be too hard on myself because there is always the reason that being 100% green is very costly. But then I have to be real. I don't put the demand on the companies that is necesary to make the supply cheaper. I haven't written the Car manufacturers to ask them to give us better fuel economy cars and fuel alternative cars. I also haven't stopped buying food items that have excessive packaging.
Well there you go... I am the reason that the enviroment is collapsing. I can't blame big buisness, I can't blame the Government, and I can't blame my co-worker who has a different opinion than me. I believe strongly in the let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I am not without sin.
So what am I going to do about it.
I am going to e-mail Greenpeace and ask them for tips on how to make my home Green. If they can't then I am going to do the research myself. I will then share my findings with you all here. I know that only like 12 people read this and then maybe not even on a regular basis, but it makes me feel better to share what I learn. Then I am going to do alot of research on Fuel efficient cars and the like, and what I can do to help.

NE way
that was on my mind.
speaking of activism...
Have you heard of Mayor Rocky Andersen. He is the Mayor for Salt Lake City Utah. He has never been my mayor as I have never lived in Salt Lake City, but he is one of the biggest draws for me to that city. It seems like everytime I am in Utah I hear of some of the great things that he has been doing and I love it. Like for example right now he is standing for Gay Rights. Read this article on the Salt Lake Tribune.
Ok so I have to paste this direct quote from his State of the State Address becasue he is sooo cool...
One group that has been consistently marginalized in our city, as in
much of the rest of the world, is the gay and lesbian community. Hateful
prejudice, generated by a lack of acquaintance, understanding, and
consequent fear, has rendered gays and lesbians second-class citizens in
many respects. Many people appear to think that the innate sexual
orientation of gays and lesbians should preclude them from full participation
in social and political life. Society's treatment of gays and lesbians has made
life tragically difficult and painful for them, and has too often deprived our
community of the valuable perspectives and resources they offer.
So he has become a Hero of mine today... yeah!
NE way...
These are things that were on my mind.
If you read this and see yourself in this situation too then I hope you do something to change as well.
I sat here for a minute getting a little mad at my co-worker because I thought that he was the problem. But it turns out that I am just as much to blame as him.
I see a problem with the worlds dependancy on oil. I see a problem with MY dependency on oil, and as of yet I have done very little to solve this problem or even to do my part. I can front and tell you that I don't own a vehicle so that I don't use Gasoline, but I get a ride to and from work every day from my brother and his truck. I can say that I use less plastic because I use a Mug for my water and drinks and reuse it, but I use products from the store that use far too much packaging and throw away so much stuff that it is ridiculous.
I don't want to be too hard on myself because there is always the reason that being 100% green is very costly. But then I have to be real. I don't put the demand on the companies that is necesary to make the supply cheaper. I haven't written the Car manufacturers to ask them to give us better fuel economy cars and fuel alternative cars. I also haven't stopped buying food items that have excessive packaging.
Well there you go... I am the reason that the enviroment is collapsing. I can't blame big buisness, I can't blame the Government, and I can't blame my co-worker who has a different opinion than me. I believe strongly in the let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I am not without sin.
So what am I going to do about it.
I am going to e-mail Greenpeace and ask them for tips on how to make my home Green. If they can't then I am going to do the research myself. I will then share my findings with you all here. I know that only like 12 people read this and then maybe not even on a regular basis, but it makes me feel better to share what I learn. Then I am going to do alot of research on Fuel efficient cars and the like, and what I can do to help.

NE way
that was on my mind.
speaking of activism...

Ok so I have to paste this direct quote from his State of the State Address becasue he is sooo cool...
One group that has been consistently marginalized in our city, as in
much of the rest of the world, is the gay and lesbian community. Hateful
prejudice, generated by a lack of acquaintance, understanding, and
consequent fear, has rendered gays and lesbians second-class citizens in
many respects. Many people appear to think that the innate sexual
orientation of gays and lesbians should preclude them from full participation
in social and political life. Society's treatment of gays and lesbians has made
life tragically difficult and painful for them, and has too often deprived our
community of the valuable perspectives and resources they offer.
So he has become a Hero of mine today... yeah!
NE way...
These are things that were on my mind.
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