I am completely weirded out that this happened to me...

Those of you who know me, know (and those who don't are about to find out)that the thing that I am afraid of most in my life is to not be in control of my body. Yep... I am a control freak when it comes to my body. That is the number one reason that I will not get drunk, that I have only tried drugs sparingly and have never been truly high. I just don't like feeling like I want to tell my limb to move and it revolt's and refuse's. That is the reason that I don't like hospital corners on sheets and blankets in bed, I need to be able to move freely.
Well... last night at around 9:30pm I was lying down, watching Gillmore Girls and having a good time laying around. Well, when I got up to go to the restroom, my heart suddenly started beating really fast and I felt really light headed. I have had this happen to me before when I get up too fast and thought nothing of it, I just normally stop moving for a second and am fine after a while. Not this time. The next thing that I knew I was sitting on the floor of the bathroom in the corner with my eyes closed. There were millions of thoughts in my head shaking back and forth so fast that I couldn't tell one from another. I realized that I could feel the door molding on my spine moving back and forth really fast, then I noticed it on the back of my head. I was shaking uncontrolably. When I realized that I was shaking I had to break out of it really fast. So I forced myself to jump up and stand in the center of the room for a second and collect myself. (funny I never thought that I would ever had need to use that term before but it seems very appropriate for this experience) I then went into the living room and sat down and thought about what just happened, even then it didn't seem like I could have possibly just passed out and had a seizure, even though it had just happened to me. But I knew that I needed to not be alone anymore in case it happened again. So I called my parents to come and get me. They got to my house at around 10:05 pm which means that I couldn't have been out for much more than five minutes or so, if that.

Image by Philip Hitchcock Design
Any way...
Now that it has happened to me its not as scary as I thought it was going to be. Which I am thankful for. But I am a little worried as to the cause. I mean what am I doing differently now that I hadn't before. Except that I am now on new medication that I have never been on before. I don't do well on Medication. But it had already been in my system for about 12 hours and I had eaten after I had taken it all. So right now I think that it was a combination of the Drugs and getting up really fast after lying for so long.
NE way
Now I don't feel like I should be alone very much for a while, until I am off the medicine. Which really sucks because I am very used to having alone time and crave it alot now that I am living with 2 others in a 1 bedroom apartment. I never am alone.
NE way
Now you know, and knowing is half the battle
Go Jo. GI Joe
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