To Save the whales or not to Save the whales...

This is a debate that I don't know if I want to get involved in.
This is one of those moments where I don't know weather to go Extreme left and go Hippie on everyone's asses, or whether I should just remain Silent.
Here is the Scoop...
Greenpeace is claiming that Japan is using "Scientific" Whaling as a Front to Comercial Whaling which is Illegal becasue of the Endangered species status of the Whales that they are killing. And selling it to Gorton's Fisherman Company for use in food products. (Yep... Save the Whales)
Japan However is saying that there is no Commercial Hunting Going on and that it is purely Scientific.
Who do we believe?
I mean I am all for saving the whales but I know for a fact that Hippies can go overboard when they get in their activist modes. And I know that most Governments like to cut corners and make money wherever they see a buck. So who do we believe.
I tend to believe Greenpeace, (my hippie background) but also don't know if I want to weigh in on this subject becasue of the Negative view alot of people have of the "Save the Whales Hippies". Sometimes I feel that if I make a stand on this issue then people will close off communication with me becasue they think that I am just a crazy hippie and then everything that I say is written off, like issues that are closer to my heart, like Gay Rights.
NE way...
I like to pretend that someone other than me reads this, so if you are reading this and have an opinion then write me a comment.
Daniel, you are not the only one reading your blogs. Just thought I'd drop you an encouraging line.
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