Utah is Schizo
Right now I am soo confused as to where Utah polotics are heading. I mean it seems like there is just so much going on these days. I was just reading the Salt Lake Tribune's Sunday Paper today and everyother article was about Gay rights. and it seems like everyother article is on opposite sides of the line. Right now Sen. Buttars of West Jordan is calling on the senate to pass his bill that will make Teachers put equal class time with Evolution and Inteligent Design (which is that a higher power created everything from scratch, as I understand it). Because he says that Scientists are still in Debate over this. Well that's funny because every scientist that I have heard weigh in on the subject has stated that they are all pretty much in agreement that Evolution is true. He is also a Homophobe stating that "they're everywhere. (speaking of Homosexuals) They're getting into everything. The Homosexual Community is going to undermine society." WOW!!! what a joke. I can't believe that this Neanderthal still exists. This cartoon shows this view pretty well.
I find this even more funny because it comes right after the great statements made by Mayor Rockey Andersen. What a crazy state I live in.
I guess however it does reflect the views of the nation, I mean the nation is basically cut in two halves when it comes to polotics.
My friend and I were joking around about how we should split the country into two different countries. I don't know if that would really even work but it was fun to dream for a second.

I guess however it does reflect the views of the nation, I mean the nation is basically cut in two halves when it comes to polotics.
My friend and I were joking around about how we should split the country into two different countries. I don't know if that would really even work but it was fun to dream for a second.
Certainly, the way the debate has been framed on just about any issue has resulted in a very polarized country. My sense is that if you were to look under the surface, there's much more common ground. However, the sad truth is that common ground does generate interest, political contributions or media coverage.
oh yeah... I agree.
I live part of the year in a strict conservative society(Utah) and part of the year in a Strict Liberal Society (Omega) and it is funny how underneath all of the polarizing topics, there seems to be all of the same wants and desires.
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