Saturday, July 23, 2005


it says that I can upload pictures onto my blog now so I am going to try and see if it works


Book reviews

The list is in ...

of course you are all waiting to read my current Book Review so I will gladly tell it to you.

The knew Potter Book was exelent... Very good and very satisfying...

I also read Kurt Vaunegut? (sorry If i misspelled that but you aren't reading this for the Grammar) Cat's Cradle... Absolutely Fabulous Book... Highly Recomended

Then I read Dress your Family in Courderooy and Denim... Which is a wonderful book by David Sedaris.

I always am anxious to give reviews because I am afraid that I will give something away in the Book... so you will just have to read it and see for yourselves.

mr dlb style