I have been thinking alot about this recently.
As I have stated earlier, I don't like to label myself as GAY. I mean I am Oriented in the Same Gender loving direction and all, I just don't like the Label because I think that there is more to me than just that... I know Blah Blah Blah... that is what all the gay boys are saying. But with me I think that it is true. I mean just based on the reactions that I get from people when I come out to them range from the "Duh! you didn't even need to tell me about that, I already knew." to the "Oh My God! I can't believe that your gay. I mean you act so straight, all this time I thought you were straight." So while I think that it is a part of me like my toe, it isn't all of me.
But lately I have been realizing that it is a much bigger part of my life than I ever give it credit.
For Example, I like Netflix alot. I like to get TV shows from Netflix. And the shows I get are... Will and Grace, Six Feet under, Sex and the City, Desperate Housewives. While they aren't all "Gay" shows they definately are known for their Gay Fan Base. But on the other hand I do like to watch all sorts of movies from Netflix ranging from Margaret Cho and Trick on one hand to Murderball and The Godfather on the other hand.
Example #2, I read the newspaper fairly frequently, and for some reason, in a Red state, I seem to read about Gay issues more often than not. I mean i definatley read about the war and local issues and such, but it seems that even the Local newspapers (you've heard me talk about the SL Trib.) seem to be talking about Gay rights and Gay issues a ton. Is that happening everywhere? I mean I know it is an Election year and so they like to throw in the Gay Bills to get votes one way or another, but this is alot.
Example #3, I seem to surround myself with Gay friendly people it seems. My co-workers have no problem asking my opinion and telling me theirs on Gay issues. Even though they are all LDS and conservative to a certain degree. They are all accepting of my Orientation. My Friends are mostly straight but all have no problem with me or my way of life, (at least to my face with some of them).
So the Moral is ... Gay people are on the rise, or, mr dlb is in a bubble thicker than George W. Bush. You Decide